Thursday, December 3, 2009

Success Principle Ten for Being a Good Care Giver: Prayer

Remember to thank your God (The Universe, whatever you believe to be a higher force) for each new day because it is an opportunity for you to move one step closer to your personal goal of being a great care giver.

How many times in your life have you looked up into the sky and asked God to help? 

Like so many of us, when we are in trouble, we always turn to a superior power for assistance. A helpful reminder when praying, refrain from asking God to bring you things, or more money, or any other material objects, God is not our servant.

However, God is there to help guide us and provide the encouragement through the little miracles that occur around us. When taking time to connect with your God-source, show gratitude and thank God for all of the good that’s in your life. Give back by showing gratitude.

Our God force within is there to assist each of us to recognize the clues that are left in our path.  Clues that lead to new doors with new potential.  Through the power of YOU and God you will be shown ways to acquire all of those things that you choose to have in your life.

The power of prayer is amazing.

Your life doesn’t need to be one that is filled with religion in order to exercise one of the greatest gifts that we have at our disposal…. Prayer.  Meditation is prayer.  Cooking is a form of prayer.  Anything that assists you in stopping thought, is prayer.

Prayer can come in many forms, not necessarily to rush to your local church, get on your knees and say prayers that you may have learned as a child.

To pray is to connect with your inner strength, the God force that you have within you; a force that is so strong that it can and does assist people to accomplishing things that they never knew they could do.  Care Giving is a perfect example.  How many of you have heard people say, "I don't know how you do it...?"

Be grateful for the little miracles that we see as Care Givers, a good night sleep, a couple of hours to ourself and especially be grateful for the occasional moments when we have our loved one back, even if it's for a short visit.

Everything is possible.  Miracles can happen, they do happen, every day.  All we need to do is open our eyes and give thanks.


Silver said...

I am so glad to stumble here.. my faith just grew a feet taller ;)


Susan Higgins said...

Thanks for stopping by Silver... I read your story about Ben, I am sorry for your loss. My dad always told me that when we die we don't really die, energy can not be destroyed - we just transform into a different energy state - we become Angels.

Ben is your Angel.